A Study of the Factor Structure of the Korean Family Mental Health Test(K-FMHT)
Published Online: Jul 24, 2015
This study purported to evaluate the factor structure of the Korean Family Mental Health test(K-FMHT), which was a self-report questionnaire composed of 67 items and developed for measuring the degree of mental health and psychopathological traits of the families by the comprehensive dimensions.
K-FMHT was administered to 476 married women subjects from normal families. A factor analysis revealed the 10 factor structure to be appropriate which determined by clinical, logical and statistical basis that included the pretest items expected empircally.
1) It was founded that the 10 factors item composition of K-FMHT satisfied the content validity through factor analysis and explained 50.1% of total variances.
2) 10 factors of K-FMHT have sufficient eigenvalues respectably and the factor loadings of total items were significantly high.
3) Factor 1 explainded 18.8% of variance and the other factors 6.4-2.4% of variance.
4) Factor namings were determinded which based the examination of the item contents : factor 1-open heartedness within family, factor 2 - family relationship of emotional disharmony, factor 3 - conflict relationship with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, factor 4 - sexual relationship of couple, factor 5 - the filial devotion toward parent, factor 6 - openness toward community, factor 7 - patriarchic family, factor 8 - living together of family members, factor 9 - parent attachment toward children, factor 10 -parent unconditional love toward children.
5) Some limitation and future requirements are discussed to increase the validity of the K-FMHT.
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