The Ewha Medical Journal
Ewha Womans University School of Medicine
Original Article

A Study on Psychological Traits of the Forensic Schizophrenia Patients by MMPI-R

Young Sook Park

Copyright ⓒ 1993. Ewha Womans University School of Medicine. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jul 24, 2015


The present study was conducted to evaluate psychological traits of 69 forensic schizophrenia patients selected on the basis DSM-III-R criteria who were admitted to the Forensic Psychiatric Institution from March to June of 1992.84 Normal controls were matched for sex, age, education level to forensic schizophrenia patients. MMPI-R(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), consisted of 556 items and revised to standard form, was administered to the subject and the normal control gruop. No significant differences were found between the two groups in sex ratio, age, and educational level.

Results of the present study were as follows :

1) Generally, the forensic schizophrenia patients presented statistically significant higher T score on L. F and 6(parania) scales than normal controls.

2) Two subgroups were formed as a result of multivariate cluster analysis of T scores of all MMPI scales from the forensic schizophrenia patient group. The first sub-group(N=51) gave statistically significant higher score on L, K scales and no clinical scales. The second sub-group(N=18) presented statistically significant higher score on L, F, K and 1(hypochondriasis), 3(hrsteria), 8(schizophrenia), 6(paranoia) scales.

3) High-K score group of forensic schizophrenia patients, selected on the basis high K scores at the level of 30%, gave statistically significant higher score on L, K scales than the other groups. Low-K score group of forensic schizophrenia patients, selected at the low level of 30%, had high score on, F, 6(paranoia), 8(schizophrenia) scales.

4) Forensic patients presented statistically but not clinically significant lower score on 9(hypomania) scale than normal controls.

5) The results were interpreted as suggested the overcontrolled personality trait and not completely treated psychotic symptoms of fornensic schizophrenia patients and their different personlity traits from general criminals.